Solids Bundle


Bundle Includes:

  1. Starting Solids Cheatsheet- how to know when your baby is ready for solids, BLW ideas for fun first foods, and foods to always avoid. Only offered in the bundle or as a freebie to class participants.

  2. Introducing Allergenic Foods- what foods to introduce, when to introduce, and sample ideas of how to introduce (checklist included).

  3. Choking Hazards- a comprehensive list of foods that are considered a choking hazard until age 4 and modifications to make these foods safe, when appropriate.

  4. Solids Schedule- information on scheduling solids and the number of meals per day between 6 months of age and a year old. Three sample schedules included for a 6, 8, and 10 month old.

  5. How Much Cheatsheet- information on how much solid food your baby should be eating. Baby led weaning and traditional feeding (purées) included. Bite guidelines, based on WHO recommendations, also included.

  6. Favorite Feeding Products Guide- take the guess work out of what to buy. A complete guide with pictures, prices, and clickable links to purchase. Included information on: Bibs, utensils, placemats, novelty food tools, and teethers.

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Digital Download available for 24 hours, after initial download.

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